Faith + P (Practice) + C (Confidence) = Fluency.

Faith is surrendering to Almighty God and humbly asking God to help you speak, because you cannot do it on your own.
Philippians 4:6
Practice because practicing demonstrates work and faith without works is dead.
James 2: 17

Confidence not in yourself, but confidence that God is Everything He says He is
Numbers 23:19

1- Don’t complain
2- Go to a private place and pray to God in secret
3- Call God by any name in the Holy Bible
4- Thank Him
5- Humble yourself Ex. “I humbly come to You”
6- Remind God of His gift of grace. A gift that He promised was free to all mankind, at all times and always sufficient
7- End the prayer in Jesus’ name
8- ***If your child is really young, hold their hand and pray for them until they can pray independently

Click a button that best describes you

Christians Definition

Distant Christians Definition

If you currently call God by a name that is NOT in the Bible Definition

Atheist/Agnostics Definition

Our App Features

A video game in the form of an app. Designed for all those who stutter/stammer. Provides practices for everyday speaking situations.

User Friendly

Provides 2 levels of practice for children and adults

User Friendly

Provides 2 levels of practice for children and adults

Voice Command

1:1 Dialogue

Voice Command

Explains what the player can practice

Easy to Learn


Easy to Learn

Allows the player to engage in 1:1 dialogue, without any interruptions

Similar to real life


Similar to real life

Resembles real-life communication, provides external stimuli and randomly chooses an outcome

About us

Live Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation March 16th 3pm (EST) Presentation with all notes will be available 3/18/24

Our Mission

To provide a safe space for all those who stutter/stammer to practice speaking without fear or judgment

Our Vision

To teach all those who stutter/stammer how to implement Faith + P (practice) + C (confidence) to achieve fluency.

App Screenshots

Answer 2 questions, then play!
Tell the game the name of the player
Tell the game if the player is a young reader, or under the age of 10

Download Our App Now

Practice a variety of speaking situations from your phone, tablet, or VR

 Created and designed for all those who stutter/stammer

Calls the player by his/her name

Provides tongue twisters based on the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

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Christians Definition

If you identify yourself as Christian. You have confessed your sins through prayer and you have asked Jesus to come into your heart as your Lord and Saviour. When you pray, the Holy Spirit will guide you with what to say Romans 8:26
Speak to God as His child…Romans 8:16
Dear Heavenly Father, As your child, I humbly come to you. I thank you for my gift of speech. Please help me to speak today, just as You did for Moses, because I cannot speak on my own. You promised that no weapon formed against me would ever prosper. I’m putting all my faith in You. Thank you for Your gift of grace that You promised is sufficient for any weakness, in all situations and circumstances and at all times. I have done nothing to earn Your gift of grace and can never do anything to lose it. In Jesus Name, Amen

Distant Christians Definition

Christians who feel distant from God– If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior at some point in your life, but you don’t pray and you don’t feel close to God… When you pray, remind Him of a time in His word when He remembered one of His children, who strayed. And still, He responded to their prayer. Samson… Judges 16:28
Dear Heavenly Father,
I humbly come to You. I am Your child. Please remember me, like You remembered Samson when he called out to You. I thank you for my gift of speech. Please help me to speak today, because I cannot speak on my own. You promised that no weapon formed against me would prosper. I’m putting all my faith in You. You promised that with the faith of a mustard seed, I could move mountains. Thank you for Your gift of grace that You promised is sufficient in all situations and circumstances and at all times. I have done nothing to earn Your gift of grace and can never do anything to lose it. In Jesus Name, Amen

If you currently call God by a name that is NOT in the Bible Definition

If you have belief that there is a God, but you currently call God by a name that is NOT in His Holy Scriptures…. When you pray, remind God of a time in His word that men have called Him by another name, only moments before calling Him by His name and He still answered their prayers. Jonah 1: 14-16
Dear Heavenly Father,
I humbly come to You. Please show me the same mercy that you showed to the mariners on the ship with Jonah. You promised that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, You do not change. I thank you for my gift of speech. Please help me to speak today, because I cannot speak on my own. You promised that every one of us has been given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. You promised that Your gift of grace is sufficient for any weakness in all situations and circumstances and at all times. Please search my whole heart, give me a heart to know You and help me with any unbelief. Please show me Your glory today. In Jesus Name, Amen

Atheist/Agnostics Definition

Lastly, if you feel no connection to God for whatever reason, but you want help with your stuttering… When you pray, ask for a new heart and remind God of a time in His word, when He changed the heart of someone who denied Him, spoke against Him and persecuted His children
Jeremiah 24:7
Dear Heavenly Father,

I humbly come to You. I ask that You search my whole heart and create in me a new heart and right spirit to know You, like You did for Apostle Paul. You promised that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, You do not change. I thank you for my gift of speech. Please help me to speak today, because I cannot speak on my own.
You promised that every one of us has been given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. You promised that Your gift of grace is sufficient for any weakness in all situations and circumstances and at all times. In Jesus Name, Amen.